giovedì 6 settembre 2012

Windows Phone - Keyboard suggestions

In Windows Phone standard apps (like mail and messaging), when you enter a text, you will see the list of suggestions for the text you are typing.

In your app, every Textbox has the ability to have an InputScope assigned to it.

<TextBox InputScope="Text" /> 
InputScope help the developer to assign also the good keyboard for the context:
  • URL: this keyboard gives you a ".com" button to finish typing your URLs, but that button, with a long-tap, will also expand to show you .net, .org, .edu, and
  • TelephoneNumber: it gives the user a numeric dial pad instead of an alphabetic keyboard.
  • EmailNameOrAddress: it gives a period, an @ symbol and ".com" button.

You can find more InputScopeNameValue enumerator on MSDN.

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