sabato 29 giugno 2013

Windows Phone 8 - Map and Clusters

This code example demonstrates how to dynamically group pushpins in the map control.
There is a lot of code for Windows Phone 7, then I merged all what I need to create a project for WP8.

First of all you need some namespace declaration: for map control and for pushpins from WP Toolkit.


You need also two templates: one for a standard pushpin and the other for the cluster.
 <DataTemplate x:Key="PushpinTemplate">
  <maptk:Pushpin GeoCoordinate="{Binding GeoCoordinate}" Content="{Binding}" />
 <DataTemplate x:Key="ClusterTemplate">
  <maptk:Pushpin GeoCoordinate="{Binding GeoCoordinate}" Content="{Binding Count}"/>

ClustersGenerator is the core of the project. It's a static class that accepts in input
  • Map control
  • Pushpins collection
  • Cluster DataTemplate.
public ClustersGenerator(Map map, List<Pushpin> pushpins, DataTemplate clusterTemplate)
 _map = map;
 _pushpins = pushpins;
 this.ClusterTemplate = clusterTemplate;

 // maps event
 _map.ResolveCompleted += (s, e) => GeneratePushpins();

  // first generate

Every map event launches the pushpins elaboration, but first to explain GeneratePushpins method, let's introduce another class: PushpinGroup.
PushpinGroup represents a standard pushpin or a cluster, and exposes a GetElement method to return them. If the group is a cluster, it needs to get only the first pushpin GeoCoordinate and the content is a group of all pushpins.
public class PushpinsGroup
 private List<Pushpin> _pushpins = new List<Pushpin>();
 public Point MapLocation { get; set; }

 public PushpinsGroup(Pushpin pushpin, Point location)
  MapLocation = location;

 public FrameworkElement GetElement(DataTemplate clusterTemplate)
  if (_pushpins.Count == 1)
   return _pushpins[0];

  // more pushpins
  return new Pushpin()
   // just need the first coordinate
   GeoCoordinate = _pushpins.First().GeoCoordinate,
   Content = _pushpins.Select(p => p.DataContext).ToList(),
   ContentTemplate = clusterTemplate,

 public void IncludeGroup(PushpinsGroup group)
  foreach (var pin in group._pushpins)

The GeneratePushipins function creates clusters based on map ViewPort and a constant named MAXDISTANCE. An extension method convert pushpin GeoCoordinate to a ViewPort Point. That is used to get the distance from other points. If this distance is less then the MAXDISTANCE, the pushpin become a part of cluster.
private void GeneratePushpins()
 List<PushpinsGroup> pushpinsToAdd = new List<PushpinsGroup>();
 foreach (var pushpin in _pushpins)
  bool addGroup = true;
  var newGroup = new PushpinsGroup(pushpin, _map.ConvertGeoCoordinateToViewportPoint(pushpin.GeoCoordinate));

  foreach (var pushpinToAdd in pushpinsToAdd)
   double distance = pushpinToAdd.MapLocation.GetDistanceTo(newGroup.MapLocation);

   if (distance < MAXDISTANCE)
    addGroup = false;

  if (addGroup)

 _map.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
  MapLayer layer = new MapLayer();
  foreach (var visibleGroup in pushpinsToAdd.Where(p => _map.IsVisiblePoint(p.MapLocation)))
   var cluster = visibleGroup.GetElement(this.ClusterTemplate) as Pushpin;
   if (cluster != null)
    layer.Add(new MapOverlay() { GeoCoordinate = cluster.GeoCoordinate, Content = cluster.Content, ContentTemplate = cluster.ContentTemplate});
  if (layer.Count > 0)

The extension method GetDistanceTo is the algorithm to calculate the distance between two points:
public static double GetDistanceTo(this Point p1, Point p2)
 return Math.Sqrt((p1.X - p2.X) * (p1.X - p2.X) + (p1.Y - p2.Y) * (p1.Y - p2.Y));

Instead IsPointVisible returns true if the point is visible in the map, otherwise false:
public static bool IsVisiblePoint(this Map map, Point point)
 return point.X > 0 && point.X < map.ActualWidth && point.Y > 0 && point.Y < map.ActualHeight;

Now in your MainPage.xaml, you only need to pass all pushpins to the ClusterGenerator and it will do all work for you.

var clusterer = new ClustersGenerator(map, pushpins, this.Resources["ClusterTemplate"] as DataTemplate);

You can download all code here.

With this article I won TechNet Guru Contribution June 2013 - Windows Phone.

11 commenti:

  1. Questo commento è stato eliminato da un amministratore del blog.

  2. Thanks a lot for your article but I have a problem.
    I have a lot of pushpins (1200pt on Paris) and when I scroll ou Zoom, the App freeze.
    How I can resolve that ?

    1. I have another user who reported me the freeze on zoom. I need to investigate

    2. Thomas try now. I changed the 3 events with ResolveCompleted

  3. Questo commento è stato eliminato dall'autore.

  4. Hi Tiziano! I'm italian like you and your code has been very usefull for me! I've only a little problem. I would like to capture the tap event on the pushpins but I don't know how yo do it. Could you help me?

    1. You can add the tap event in the DataTemplate

    2. OK! But if I want a different tap handler for each pushpin? How can I do it? Thanks

  5. Hi Tiziano! I am successfully added almost 1000 pushpins in map. But, I need the position of each position of pushpin on tap event. When I create a pushpin I assign pushpin.Tag to a geocordinate. But on tap event I can't get the tag. Could you help me?
